March 6, 2011

House Bill 628-FN, New Hampshire

If you, like me, often wonder if there are any courageous politicians left out there, the answer is yes, and they can be found in New Hampshire!
Rep. Andrew Manuse (D-Derry) and Rep. George Lambert (R-Litchfield) have their fingers on the pulse of the nation.
They have cosponsored House Bill 628-FN (HB628-FN) which states:
"This bill makes the touching or viewing with a technological device of a person’s breasts or genitals by a government security agent without probable cause a sexual assault. This bill classifies persons convicted of the offense as tier III offenders under the criminal offenders registry".
Way to go, guys.  The people have had enough and this Bill reflects their sentiments.
TSA are yet to respond.