January 11, 2011

FDA shoots themselves in the foot!

zOMG, check this out:

Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal

(NaturalNews) Municipalities all across America are currently dripping fluoride chemicals into their public water supply, dosing over a hundred million Americans with a chemical that they claim "prevents cavities."

What's interesting here is that this biological effect of "preventing cavities" is a medical claim, according to the FDA. And as such, making this claim instantly and automatically transforms fluoride into a "drug" under currently FDA regulations.This means that cities and towns all across America are now practicing medicine without a license by dripping liquid medication into the public water supply without the consent of those who are swallowing the medication.

If you or I did this, we would be arrested and tried as either terrorists (because contaminating the water supply is an act of terrorism) or felons practicing medicine without a license. So what allows cities and towns to get away with these very same crimes?

Learn more:
[end quote]
Isn't this brilliant?  Can this be the base of the biggest class action suit known to man against FDA and whomever else contaminated the water with fluoride?  How about carry that same suit over to Canada? 
We Canucks want our unadultered, fluoride-free drinking water back!!!

The excerpt I quote above is a part of the article written by a man who calls himself a Health Ranger.  I love reading his posts because he will tell it like it is and does not give a crap who's watching.  Man's got balls.  Many of his articles have seriously opened my eyes wide, really wide.  Fluoride is just one of the topics. 
Another one - breast cancer - is another good read.  The man explains in no uncertain terms, how breast cancer "treatments", and the "American Cancer Society" (yeah, why not Anti-Cancer, eh?) is all one big scamola.  The post you want to start at is here:  http://www.naturalnews.com/024536_cancer_women_brst.html - it is a good primer on how the cancer industry operates and what we, the guinea pigs, do to perpetuate the myth.  Yep, the myth.  You see, cancer industry does NOT want you to prevent cancer; they just want you to come to them after you get it so they can finish you off with radiation and chemo.  Harsh opinion?  Maybe but, hey, you came to my blog for more lies, or the truth?  I can lie to you, if you want... No, wait, I can't.  That would go against everything I believe in and stand for.  That would also lower my own personal standards to the same levels as the cancer industry's, and that, buddy, ain't gonna happen.
They are cancer "industry" for a very good reason - cancer makes them a shitload of moolah.  All these pink ribbons, the "run for the cure" crap, pinkwashing you up to your eyeballs... And you know what?  They are not any closer to the actual cure now that they were 50 years ago.  Ask yourself why?  Because the only things that actually work against cancer are found in nature, and they (Big Pharma) cannot put a patent on nature, that's why.
The funniest is gotta be the "run for the cure" thing: people run in the streets, kind of in circles, actually... just like the hamsters on a wheel...  are they getting anywhere, or just running in place?  And why are they running?  So you can "sponsor" them, which is a noble thing but, after they stop running, where is the money, your money, actually going?  Big Pharma is rich beyond our wildest dreams so why do they need us to give them our money for their R&D?  Oh, and should they actually "find" the cure for cancer, will they give it to you for free since you were so gracious to give them your money?  Dream on.
When you get accosted to donate to the pink "cause", do you ever ask who gets this money and how exactly is this helping to find "the cure"?
Cancer is a big business.  Unfortunately, people die in the process.  See, there are studies from all over the place that something as simple as adequate levels of vitamin D can prevent up to 77 percent of all cancer.  Wha... you didn't know that?  Well, me neither.  Why?  Because cancer industry does not want us to know that.  They want us to live under rocks, in fear of something that is preventable with good nutrition and a simple vitamin.  They want us to live in fear of sunlight - a simple, and free, method for our bodies to produce said vitamin.  Smart, health-conscious mothers breastfeed in the sunlight so the babies can produce their own vit. D. 
In the old days, people spent hours outside, farming, gardening, fishing, or just sunbathing, and, in many ways, they were healthier than us now, with all the precautions we're supposed to live by.  But there were other factors as well: clean(er) air, unpolluted drinking water, minimal, if any, use of herbicides, clean non-GMO foods, wild (non-farmed) fish, etc.  Oh how I wish we still had that going on... 
In many ways, we brought many diseases on ourselves.  We were so damn in a hurry to get everything robotized to make our lives easier, we forgot the hefty price of technology is toxic waste, a lot of it. 
Fluoride is a toxic waste, and they have to put it somewhere.  So, we, the people, pay these poison peddlers to dump the neurotoxin in the water we, our children, our pets, our vegetable gardens drink.  
Anywhere you look, there are modern goods produced for our convenience - cars, planes, mercury-filled lightbulbs, manmade fluoride, RoundUp, Gardasil, flu shots... the list is endless.  Do we really need all this shit?
I realize, on many fronts there really is no going back now.  I admit I could not live without my computer.  How else would I find all this priceless information and communicate it to you?  Yeah, we also prefer to commute in metal cages as opposed to horse and buggy (actually, I like the later) but, come on, flu shots?  Gardasil?  RoundUp? Fluoride?!?  We've got to draw the line somewhere.  Where?  How about right now, at the point where our health, our very lives are at stake?
Calgary's city council is now considering stopping water fluoridation.  http://news.ca.msn.com/local/calgary/article.aspx?cp-documentid=27195064
About bloody time!  I hope Edmonton (and the suburbs) follows suit, and that garbage is taken out of the drinking water supplies once and for all. 
Dr. Limeback himself is now advising against fluoride in the drinking water.  http://www.fluoridation.com/news.htm  (good explanation why).
Paul and I have not drank or cooked with our tap water for years.  We would very much prefer for us, and our furry kids, not to shower or bathe in it either.  After all, the skin being the largest (by square inch area) organ, soaks that crap right in.
Come on, Edmonton / Saint Albert - it is your turn to ditch the poison.  You guys were always so competitive - don't let Calgary leave you in the dust on that one!  The hockey might be a lost cause but you can really make history with un-fluoridating our water so we can drink it again.
If you do have a chance to vote on such crucial issues in your neck of the woods, come out from under that rock and do it.