December 10, 2010

"This house is clean"

Do you recall that famous line from Poltergeist: "This house is clean"? Well, that's what I did not say but, rather, felt after we got our heating ducts cleaned recently. 

The difference in air quality became pretty evident as, upon cranking up the thermostat and pumping some warm air around, all I could smell is ... warm clean air!  No more of that musty, "old" smelling stuff coming at ya from the vents.  During the procedure, Paul listened to the sounds of "stuff" getting sucked up via giant pipe into the service vehicle, and he said it sounded like pebbles... Well, I'm not surprised; when I tried to use just the regular vacuum hose to clean as far the ducts as I could reach, there were nuts, pennies, M&M's and other candy, tiny stones, pieces of broken glass, paper clips, buttons, dead bugs, dried chunks of what might have been food... or dead mice, not exactly sure on that one, and piles of hairy, sticky dust. YUCK!!! 

I have a very strong feeling these ducts were not cleaned in many, many years.  And, with cats, dogs, small kids, and a mice infestation, there is no way in hell these ducts would have stayed clean. Besides, even with regular vacuuming around, there will still be dust and other stuff that will fall in there, no matter what.  And, judging by how often we had to replace the filter, I think it was a high time we had this done. 

I am actually very, very happy we had this done!  I'm also hoping this will cut down on the amount of dust I have to deal with on a daily basis (unbelievable! almost like there was a dust pumping machine in the house, and it was ON 24/7).  I also have a distinct feeling we will feel the difference in the air quality but not getting sick as often, and that's alway a good thing, non?
The company we hired to do the cleaning was Alberta Furnace Cleaning, and the two gentlemen who performed the cleaning (Cody and Alex) were real pros - fast, efficient, caring and courteous, and they've done an excellent job!  We are very happy with the results and will be seeking the services of Alberta Furnace Cleaning when time comes for the next cleaning.
Alberta Furnace Cleaning - (780) 455-0465
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The furnace cleaning was definitely a good move, and well worth the price.
I am now dusting not daily but every third (or so) day, and removing less than half the dust I was removing before the ducts were cleaned.
This is a very good benchmark of how effective this operation is.  Don't forget: we still have three large dogs and a cat, and this is winter in Canada - a massive fur shedding season... and with that comes a pile of animal dander, too.  But, still, the difference in the overal "clean" of out home is tremendous.  We'll be getting this done once a year.