September 27, 2011

Cause of ALS found!

I forgot to post this earlier so, my bad.  Here is the link to the article about a very important medical discovery - "Cause of ALS is found, Northwestern team says breakthrough in Lou Gehrig's disease could lead to treatment", published in Chicago Tribune on August 22, 2011, by William Mullen, Tribune reporter.

"When Ubiquilin2 is unable to remove or repair damaged proteins, the damaged proteins begin to pile up in the cells, eventually blocking normal transmission of brain signals in the spinal cord and brain, leading to paralysis."

I would love to find out why the Ubiquilin2 is unable to deal with removal / repair of these damaged proteins, not just when but why.  I would not be surprised if the answer was as simple as something we did to ourselves - chemicals in junk food, or vaccines, or other typically Western-med "creations" that our bodies were never "designed" to handle.
Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food, remember?  What happens if you keep literally poisoning yourself for years, flooding your body with artificial crap like Splenda, or Fluoride?  At some point, it will let you know enough is enough, and you will come down with something nasty.  Or outright deadly.  Your body is a temple, so don't put trash in the temple.

At any rate, I believe, Dr. Siddique is onto something huge.